Improving National Capacity to respond COVID-19 Pandemic in Pakistan (CAP-COVID)
Theme-IV: Disaster Risk Reduction for Building Resilience among Local Communities (DRR)
(RCCE) Risk Communication and Community Engagement - mass awareness campaign through billboards, FM radio airing, dissemination of IEC material, etc. Capacity Building Training over “Basics of COVID-19”, “Home-based care & Risk Communication”, “Remote Psychological First aid” of the front line and Multidisciplinary responders. Provision of PPEs to Target Hospitals, Isolation & Quarantine Centers with Disinfectants materials & Equipment. Provision of Medical & Non-Medical Equipment’s, NFIs furniture needs of a target Hospitals. Provision of Lab / Diagnostic Equipment’s. to target Hospitals. Rehabilitation of inclusive toilets and new ones. Total = 122 Installation of Paddle Operated Hand Washing Stations (POHWSs -total 78) at target locations i.e. Public places, Hospitals, Govt. Offices with Public Gatherings with WASH NFIs. ( non-Food Items – soaps etc.) . The proposed action will echo and compliment the Pakistan Preparedness and Response Plan for COVID-19. Online Remote Psychological support to COVID patients and other stakeholders under trauma situations. Helpline 24/7 ( 1166 , for Urdu- 0333.0878551, 0333.0878553, 0333.0878560. for Punjabi- 0333.0878551, 0333.0878557, 03330878560 and for Balochi, Sindhi and Pashto as well) Support the District Government through shelters, furniture, and other NFIs for COVID patients.