Gender Based Voilence
Theme-III: Improving Social & Legal Services (ISLS)
Introduction/ Background:
- Facilitate the collection and dissemination of primary information on GBV;
- Create an enabling environment for community institutions can create networks and linkages for their communities to resolve the complex challenges of gender based violence that affects women’s access to resources and their benefits.
- This pilot aims to create awareness and link men & women, girls and boys and youth centers with government agencies such as the Women Development Department (WDD) and Non-Formal Literacy and Basic Education (NFLBE) Department of Government of Punjab, who are looking to create modes of service delivery at the grass-roots level
• 1 orientation workshop of 26 listener club members.
• 312 listener clubs meetings.
• 1 Closing workshop.
• 600 men & women sensitized on GBV through series of 12 radio programs and 312 listener's club meetings were conducted.
• 1000 HH and 6500 male & female are benefited by radio program awareness sessions.
• Community is more aware about their rights to prevent gender based violence.
• 26 community activists are capacitated to facilitate others for resolving their issues on GBV.
• Developed community linkages with Free legal aid centers by NGOs, Police emergency helpline 15, media, Govt. departments and parliamentarians.
• 3 cases on GBV (property & maintenance) are reported to Dastageer Legal Aid center.
• Survey data and analysis is available on GBV.
Awareness raising on women development-related laws passed by Punjab Govt.