Prime Minister Interest Free Loan
Theme-I: Improving Economic and Social Wellbeing of the Poor through Equitable Measures (SLED)
Primary objectives of the Prime Ministers Interest Free Loan (PMIFL) Scheme are as follows: Make Interest Free Loans available to men, women and youth from poor, vulnerable and marginalized households categorized under 0-40 on the Poverty Score Card. This will enable them to engage in productive economic activities, improve their lives and positively contribute to the economy. Support female participation and inclusion in economic activities by disbursing at least 50% loans to women. Encourage behavioral change by demanding loan beneficiaries to ensure specific health and education practices. Enhance the entrepreneurial competencies by extending capacity building services, e.g. enterprise training & counseling, market linkages, financial literacy and numeracy training. Establish and strengthen Rural and Urban Branches, and Union Council based community institutions for assessing, distributing and recovering Interest Free Loans.
Identification & Establishment of Loan & Business Development centers Program Introduction & Advertisement Formation of Committees (Loan & Review)Registration of basic information of applicants and Receipts of Applications Social, economical and Technical Appraisals of targeted applicants Development of Business Plans and Provision of Guarantors Approval of Loan from Loan & Review committees & Sign pronote Issuance of Loan to beneficiaries Record keeping & MIS Management