Improving hand washing behaviors in 200 schools in Lodhran and Kasur District

Theme-III: Improving Social & Legal Services (ISLS)

Geographical Coverage:  Lodhran & Kasur Project duration: July 25, 2023 to March 31, 2024 Introduction and Background of program: The project envisions to reach out to 40,000 children of 200 schools through a behavior change campaign mainly in district Lodhran (Tehsil Dunya Pur & Lodhran) and few schools near Unilever ice cream and food factory near Kasur during the project duration of eleven months. The project aims to enhance the quality learning environment for children, especially girls, in targeted schools of marginalized areas of Lodhran district in South Punjab, Pakistan. The project will do this by working with schools, school management committees, and government officials to improve access to sustainable, inclusive hand washing facilities. At the impact level the project seeks to contribute to enabling environment for schoolchildren to properly focus on education which will help in eradicating poverty from their lives. This project will aim to contribute to the achievement of SDG-6 and 4, ensuring inclusive and equitable WASH services which will lead to quality education in Pakistan. Key highlight of project:

  • Identification of 200 school (Govt and PEF)
  • Social & Technical feasibility and selection of schools for installation of hand washing stations in 30 schools
  • Installation/Rehabilitation of 30 WASH Schemes
  • Operation and maintenance training of SMCs (2 SMC members * 30 schools)
  • Comprehensive hygiene awareness campaign among school children in 200 schools promoting hand hygiene
  • Training of trainers on hygiene and behaviour change (1 teacher * 200 schools, 8 training events) and finalization of action plan (3 touch approach)
  • Activation and training of WASH clubs by trained teachers - peer education concept (7*200)
  • Development, printing and dissemination of IEC material in 200 schools
  • Awareness session on hygiene and importance of hand washing with soap in 200 school through WASH clubs on 3 touch approach
  • Wall paintings of H&H messages in 35 schools